29 research outputs found

    Métodos para la comparación de alternativas mediante un Sistema de Ayuda a la Decisión SAD y “Soft Computing"

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    [SPA] El proceso de resolución de problemas que supone la acción de proyectar está dividido en dos partes esenciales: El problema creativo que plantea la necesidad de buscar soluciones y el problema de evaluación y toma de decisión que plantea la necesidad de escoger de entre todas las soluciones generadas, la óptima o la que mejor satisfaga los objetivos. En muchas situaciones, los seres humanos han de tomar decisiones. Las personas que tienen que asumir la responsabilidad de tomar decisiones difíciles cuyas consecuencias influirán en el proyecto o en la organización a la que pertenecen o dirigen, están sometidas a tensiones profesionales y emocionales. Estas decisiones difíciles se caracterizan por observar intereses contrapuestos, tener elementos de incertidumbre, envolver distintas personas en la decisión o bien poseer elementos difícilmente valorables. Desde que en 1965 Lofti Zadeh introdujera el concepto de lo “fuzzy” permitiendo la pertenencia de un elemento a un conjunto de forma gradual, y no de manera absoluta como establece la teoría conjuntista clásica, es decir, admitiendo pertenencias valoradas en el intervalo [0,1] en lugar de en el conjunto . Las aplicaciones y desarrollos basados en este sencillo concepto han evolucionado de tal modo que, hoy en día, es prácticamente imposible calcular el volumen de negocio que generan en todo el mundo. En este contexto, el objetivo general de la presente investigación es ahondar en el estudio de la evaluación de alternativas en el ámbito de la “Soft Computing” y dado que los métodos clásicos resultan ineficientes para problemas de decisión complejos, sobre todo para aquellos casos en los que nos encontremos con criterios de los que solo disponemos de información cualitativa. En este trabajo se presenta un sistema hibrido que recoge las fortalezas de cada una de las métodos clásicos utilizados. Con este propósito se pretende aportar una herramienta de ámbito general mediante un sistema de ayuda a la decisión (SAD) para la evaluación de alternativas de manera que ayude a modelizar distintos tipos de problemas, como podrían ser la evaluación de alternativas en la selección de personal, en la selección de proyectos, etc. Y en particular como ejemplo de aplicación de la investigación aportada se presenta el desarrollo de un SAD para el modelado del problema del ranking de universidades tomando el ámbito de la Ingeniería Industrial.[ENG] The process of solving problems that making a project supposes is divided into two essential parts: the creative problem which poses the need to find solutions, and the problem of evaluation and decision making which implies the need to choose from all the solutions generated, the optimum option, or that which best satisfies the objectives. In many situations, human beings must make decisions. Those people who must accept the responsibility of taking difficult decisions with consequences that will influence the project or the organization they belong to or manage, are subjected to professional and emotional stresses. These difficult decisions are characterised by observing opposing interests having elements of uncertainty, involving different people in the decision or possessing elements which are difficult to value. Since 1965 when Lofti Zadeh introduced the “fuzzy” concept which permitted an element to belong to a set in a gradual way, and not in an absolute way as classical set theory established, that is to say, admitting belonging valued in the interval [0,1] instead of in the set , the applications and developments based on this simple concept have evolved to such an extent that nowadays, it is practically impossible to calculate the volume of business it generates throughout the world. In this context, the general objective of the present investigation is to go deeper into the study of the evaluation of alternatives in the field of “Soft Computing”, given that the classical methods are inefficient for complex decision problems, above all for those cases in which we find ourselves with criteria about which we only have qualitative information. In this work a hybrid system is presented which gathers together the strengths of each of the classical methods used. With this purpose the intention is to provide a general tool by means of a decision support system (DSS) for the evaluation of alternatives in such a way that it helps to modelize different types of problems, such as the evaluation of alternatives in the selection of personnel, in the selection of projects, etc. In particular, as an example of the application of the investigation carried out, the development of a DSS is presented for the modelling of the problem of ranking universities, using the field of Industrial Engineering.Universidad Politécnica de CartagenaPrograma de doctorado en Tecnologías Industriale

    Identification and selection of potential sites for onshore wind farms development in Region of Murcia, Spain

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    It is often advisable to combine spatial representation tools such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS) with Multi criteria Decision Making Methods (MCDM) when solving location complex problems. The current case refers to the search for and selection of sites for onshore wind farms on the coast of the Region of Murcia, in the southeast of Spain. When resolving the proposed problem, the legal restrictions and the criteria (wind speed, area, slope, etc.) that influence the location will be considered. These will be defined in the form of thematic layers that will be entered into the GIS. Restrictions will be imposed taking into account the legislative framework of the study area so that, through their analysis and editing, it will be possible to reduce the initial area and obtain suitable sites where this type of facilities can be installed. Moreover, as the objective of the study is to select the locations and obtain a ranking two different models will be applied, initially a categorical assessment through a lexicographic order will be performed using the tools available in the GIS and, later it will be applied the ELECTRE-TRI methodology will be applied in order to make a comparison between the methods.This work is partially supported by FEDER funds, the DGICYT and Junta de Andalucía under projects TIN2011-27696-C02-01 and P11-TIC-8001, respectively

    Evaluation of the shallow geothermal potential for heating and cooling and its integration in the socioeconomic environment: A case study in the Region of Murcia, Spain

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    In order to boost the use of shallow geothermal energy, reliable and sound information concerning its potential must be provided to the public and energy decision-makers, among others. To this end, we developed a GIS-based methodology that allowed us to estimate the resource, energy, economic and environmental potential of shallow geothermal energy at a regional scale. Our method focuses on closed-loop borehole heat exchanger systems, which are by far the systems that are most utilized for heating and cooling purposes, and whose energy demands are similar throughout the year in the study area applied. The resource was assessed based on the thermal properties from the surface to a depth of 100 m, considering the water saturation grade of the materials. Additionally, climate and building characteristics data were also used as the main input. The G.POT method was used for assessing the annual shallow geothermal resource and for the specific heat extraction (sHe) rate estimation for both heating and, for the first time, for cooling. The method was applied to the Region of Murcia (Spain) and thematic maps were created with the outputting results. They offer insight toward the thermal energy that can be extracted for both heating and cooling in (MWh/year) and (W/m); the technical potential, making a distinction over the climate zones in the region; the cost of the possible ground source heat pump (GSHP) installation, associated payback period and the cost of producing the shallow geothermal energy; and, finally, the GHG emissions savings derived from its usage. The model also output the specific heat extraction rates, which are compared to those from the VDI 4640, which prove to be slightly higher than the previous one

    Analysis and comparison of energy efficiency code requirements for buildings: A Morocco–Spain case study

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    The trend in energy consumption, with a particular focus on heating and cooling demand, is an issue that is relevant to the promotion of new energy policies and more efficient energy systems. Moreover, heating and cooling energy demand is expected to rise in the next several decades, mainly due to climate change as well as increasing incomes in developing countries. In this context, the building sector is currently a relevant energy-intensive economic sector in Morocco; it accounts for 33% of the country’s total energy demand (as the sector with the second highest energy demand, after the transport sector), with the residential sector accounting for 25% and the tertiary sector accounting for 8%. Aiming to reduce energy dependence and promote sustainable development, the Moroccan government recently issued a comprehensive plan to increase the share of renewables and improve energy efficiency. This strategy includes novel thermal building regulations promoted by the Moroccan Agency for Energy Efficiency. This paper analyzes the thermal behavior and heating-cooling energy demand of a residential building located in Tangier (Morocco) as a case example, based on the country’s new thermal regulations and considering specific climatological conditions. A comparison with common Moroccan residential buildings as well as with those in nearby countries with similar meteorological conditions but significant differences in terms of energy demand regulation and requirements, such as Spain, is also included. Simulations were carried out using the DesingBuilder and EnergyPlus Software packages. According to the results, the last building thermal regulation requirements in Morocco need to be revised and extended in order to achieve the energy efficiency objectives established by the Moroccan government for 2030

    MCDM-based multidimensional approach for selection of optimal groundwater pumping systems: design and case example

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    Herein, optimal groundwater pumping solutions based on a variety of energy resources and water storage options are estimated and classified. Each energy source and water storage option is first characterized considering energy, economic, and environmental criteria. A multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) process based on the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and the technique for order performance by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) is subsequently applied to identify and classify the optimal groundwater pumping solutions under such a multidimensional framework. An aquifer located in the southeast of Spain is analyzed in a case study to assess the proposed optimal MCDM-based approach. Conventional diesel-based equipment, solar PV power plants, and direct grid connection, as well as three water storage systemseedirect pumping, seasonal storage, and annual storageeeare identified as potential energy sources and water storage options, respectively. Characterization and visualization of these energy and water storage systems, as well as prioritized option results, are also discussed herein.This work is partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), reference TIN2017-86647-P. The authors also acknowledge the support of the Fundación Séneca (Region of Murcia, Spain) through the Grant 19882-GERM-15

    Multidimensional analysis of groundwater pumping for irrigation purposes: economic, energy and environmental characterization for PV power plant integration

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    Nowadays, the agriculture sector presents relevant opportunities to integrate renewable energy sourcesas an alternative solution to mitigate fossil-fuel dependence and decrease emissions. Moreover, thissector demands a detailed review of energy uses and other factors that are addressed as priority issues inmost developed countries. In this framework, groundwater pumping energy requirements for agricultureirrigation emerge as a relevant topic to be improved in terms of power demand. Actually, this demand iscurrently supplied by diesel equipment solutions, with relevant drawbacks such as:ðiÞa large energydependence on fossil fuels for the agricultural sector andðiiÞa lack of participation in reducing CO2emissions.This paper proposes a multidimensional characterization to evaluate photovoltaic (PV) solar energyintegration into groundwater pumping requirements. Alternative solutions are compared under eco-nomic, energy and environmental aspects; thus providing an extensive scenario where the considerableinfluence of multiple factors such as water needs, irrigation area or aquifer depth are explicitlyconsidered. Extensive results based on a real Spanish aquifer and discussion about the solutions are alsoincluded in the paper.This work is partially supported by projects Ref. TIN2014-55024-P from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (including FEDER funds), and SENECA Foundation 19882-GERM-15

    Net-Metering and Self-Consumption Analysis for Direct PV Groundwater Pumping in Agriculture: A Spanish Case Study

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    International policies mainly that are focused on energy-dependence reduction and climate change objectives have been widely proposed by most developed countries over the last years. These actions aim to promote the integration of renewables and the reduction of emissions in all sectors. Among the different sectors, agriculture emerges as a remarkable opportunity to integrate these proposals. Indeed, this sector accounts for 10% of the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the EU, representing 1.5% of gross domestic product (GDP) in 2016. Within the agriculture sector, current solutions for groundwater pumping purposes are mainly based on diesel technologies, leading to a remarkable fossil fuel dependence and emissions that must be reduced to fulfill both energy and environmental requirements. Relevant actions must be proposed that are focused on sustainable strategies and initiatives. Under this scenario, the integration of photovoltaic (PV) power plants into groundwater pumping installations has recently been considered as a suitable solution. However, this approach requires a more extended analysis, including different risks and impacts related to sustainability from the economic and energy points of view, and by considering other relevant aspects such as environmental consequences. In addition, PV solar power systems connected to the grid for groundwater pumping purposes provide a relevant opportunity to optimize the power supplied by these installations in terms of self-consumption and net-metering advantages. Actually, the excess PV power might be injected to the grid, with potential profits and benefits for the agriculture sector. Under this scenario, the present paper gives a multidimensional analysis of PV solar power systems connected to the grid for groundwater pumping solutions, including net-metering conditions and benefit estimations that are focused on a Spanish case study. Extensive results based on a real aquifer (Aquifer 23) located in Castilla La Mancha (Spain) are included and discussed in detail.This research was funded by the research project TIN2017-86647-P from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (including FEDER funds), and the Seneca Foundation 19882-GERM-15

    GIS based solar resource analysis for irrigation purposes: Rural areas comparison under groundwater scarcity conditions

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    During the past decade, most governments have been promoting energy efficiency programs and the integration of renewable energy sources into the majority of energy uses. Among the different sectors, the agricultural sector is becoming a more active participant to reduce fossil fuel dependence and improve environmental sustainability. Indeed, agriculture usually combines both a high energy demand and water problems associated with over-exploited aquifers, providing great potential and remarkable opportunities to change the energy mix and maximize the use and integration of natural resources in a rational way. Considering this framework, the present paper describes and compares the solar resource integration and its effects on agricultural pumping purposes in two Mediterranean countries, Spain and Morocco, with significant differences in terms of energy mix, climatic conditions and energy policies. As a novel contribution in this paper, we propose the use of GIS to analyze the spatial and temporal variability of the solar resource through real data of both locations, as well as to study groundwater resources. With this aim, two technical proposals for irrigation purposes are compared in terms of environmental benefits, CO2 emissions and agriculture energy model changes: diesel equipment and photovoltaic system. Results based on solar radiation resource, pumping requirements and aquifer depth are included in the paper.The authors appreciate the EU Marenostrum-Erasmus Mundus Program, which allows us to collaborate with the Moulay Ismail University in Meknes (Morocco). This work has been partially supported by funds, DGICYT and Junta de Andalucía under projects TIN 2014-55024-P and P11-TIC-8001 respectively, and Seneca Foundation 19882-GERM-15

    Spatial analysis of indicators affecting the exploitation of shallow geothermal energy at European scale

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    Shallow Geothermal Energy (SGE) exploited by vertical close loop Ground Source Heat Pumps (GSHP) is a proven, reliable, and widespread renewable heating and cooling technology. However, in many regions there is still a lack of awareness among policy makers and end users, constituting a major constraint to wider deployment of SGE. In order to contribute to its market consolidation, this work focuses on bringing to light relevant spatial information affecting the suitability of SGE exploitation. This information is the result of the systematization of geological, climatic, and environmental open and available data translated into performance indicators. A set of thematic maps was created using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) comprising the European Member States and other European countries. The relative area and the amount of population affected per indicator was spatially analyzed to determine the most common values found and the affected population. The relationship between area percentage and population affected percentage per indicator was also analyzed and allowed to identify the most common indicators values in areas where high energy demands are expected. Additionally, an example of how this data can be used into a Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) framework is shown.This article is part of a project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 727583 (GEOCOND). This work was partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), reference TIN2017e86647eP. The authors also acknowledge the support of the Fundación Séeneca (Region of Murcia, Spain) through the Grant 19882eGERMe15

    Una propuesta para la elaboración de guías docentes adaptadas al EEES. Poster

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    La creación de un Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) supone la necesidad de promover la convergencia hacia un modelo europeo común entre los diferentes sistemas nacionales de Educación Superior. Con la firma de la Declaración de Bolonia (1999) por 29 países, entre ellos los miembros de la Unión Europea (UE) y de próxima adhesión (en la actualidad, el proceso se ha extendido a 40 países europeos), se plantean un conjunto de objetivos para la convergencia. Uno de los objetivos es el de establecer un sistema de créditos común como el medio más idóneo para promover la movilidad de los estudiantes, ello en paralelo a la adopción de un sistema comprensible y comparable de titulaciones. La Guía Docente se constituye en una herramienta básica del Sistema Europeo de Transferencia de Créditos (ECTS) para alcanzar el objetivo de “promover la cooperación europea en garantía de calidad mediante el desarrollo de metodologías y criterios comparables” (declaración de Bolonia). En realidad, lo que se denomina Guía Docente es una planificación detallada de cualquier asignatura o módulo, basada en los principios que guían el proceso de convergencia en la creación del EEES. Si en otro tipo de planificaciones el eje se situaba sobre el contenido (selección de contenidos, su estructura y distribución en el programa, criterios para su evaluación, etc.) en este caso el eje es doble: las competencias propias del título y el trabajo del estudiante para adquirir esas competencias. En este trabajo, fruto de la labor del equipo de “Elaboración de Guías Docentes y Planificaciones Adaptadas al EEES” de la UPCT durante el curso 2009-2010, se resume el resultado obtenido: un Manual para la Elaboración de Guías Docentes adaptado a las singularidades de una Universidad Politécnica y con múltiples ejemplos de asignaturas de los diferentes centros.Campus Mare Nostrum, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Universidad de Murcia, Región de Murci